Event links for search engines
Event links for search engines
After receiving considerable interest in our courses outside of Switzerland, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of girls in ICT, girls aged 12-15 years old, from and outside Switzerland, are kindly invited for free to attend our online creative tech workshops available in French and English from 10:00 am to 13:45 pm. A free special role model session with MOD-ELLE will run after completion of the workshop to let girls ask questions and discover new career paths from 13:45 pm to 14:15 pm. Don’t miss the opportunity and let other parents know about the exciting opportunity to explore creative tech skills such as: Pixel Art, Data Science and Web Development.
3 workshops available for #GirlsinICT Day https://www.eventbrite.com/e/girls
Description: During this course, girls transform their hand-drawn characters into digital beings using Pixel Art. Pixel art is a form of digital art, created through the use of software where images are edited through computer graphics. -Age: 12-15 years old Feedback: Description: During this course, girls explore how websites function and step by step, the tutor demonstrates how to navigate around the most popular website builder – WordPress. -Age: 12-15 years old Feedback: Description: Through this course, girls play with real-world information on endangered animals. The course showcases to young girls how data analysis is accessible to everyone: how analysing and compering numbers can become the most reliable tool for their decision-making. -Age: 12-15 years old Feedback: Free Role Model Session with MOD-ELLE MOD-ELLE is a Swiss association which aims to fight against gender stereotypes which influence the aspirations and limit the career choices of young people.