An excellent opportunity to train to be attentive to your body and stay healthy.
Check out our BodyLab event of Saturday 30th January
I shall present a new encounter in the series of our BodyLab meetings:
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technic) is a method that uses acupuncture points to soothe pain, discomfort and emotions.
- Our encounter shall focus on whatever is present in your body connected to your actual emotional, mental or physical state.
- Simple body attention exercises and movements with music according to the Grinberg Method shall complete the program in order to help us to stay balanced and find strength and joy.
- Come and enjoy movement and fun in a small and safe setting

1, rue Hesse
1204 Genève
Price: CHF 60
Registration: e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 078 719 27 11
(maximum 6 people respecting the current COVID restrictions)