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Wednesday 21 October 2020

AKN Collagraph Taster Workshop Oct 2020

Printmaking / Collagraph Taster Workshop

Wednesday 21st Oct, 9h00-16h00
Friday 23rd Oct, 9h00-16h00

Collagraph printmaking is a process by which materials are applied and glued to, as well as scratched in, a surface creating various textures which is then inked, and a print taken.

Learn how to create experimental intaglio prints through an introduction to Collagraph printmaking. This card-based process is used to create rich surface textures and a deep velvet tone. The workshop will use an etching press to explore the creative possibilities of this process using both monochrome and colour techniques.


○ An introductory “taster” to the techniques of collagraph printmaking


○ Wednesday 21st Oct & Friday 23rd Oct, 9h00-16h00


○ From 12 years and older

○ No previous knowledge required

○ Max 6 people


○ Villa Beaulieu Art & Design Studios

○ Chemin des Philosophes 17, 1273 Arzier-Le Muids, Vaud


○ 120.- CHF per participant

○ all materials included + lunch & “gouter”

Special Information

○ Materials and equipment provided for students as part of the course and included in course fee

Essential materials and equipment participants will need to provide themselves

○ An apron or an old shirt, a Covid-19 mask … and a positive creative vibe ☺

Teaching method

The workshop will commence with an introduction to the printmaking technique of collagraph. This will be followed by a practical workshop commencing with technical demonstrations followed by an intensive workshop experience, as follows:

○ demonstration of how to create a collagraph image using a scalpel and other intaglio tools on card

○ demonstration of the inking and wiping of a collagraph plate in readiness for printmaking. This will include a demonstration of ‘a la poupée’ technique plus the use of paper stencils

○ demonstration of how to “pull” a print using paper and a printing press

○ participants will then proceed to produce their own collagraph(s)

Website https://www.anna-karinnordin.com/workshops

Anna-Karin Nordin
Contact email for event This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location 1273 Arzier-Le Muids
