Event links for search engines
Event links for search engines
15th November - 19:00-21:00 Maison des Assocations, Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Geneva Interested to learn how to reduce your household waste and pollution, for a better ecological footprint, improved health, significant money savings? Zero Waste Switzerland is offering a fun and interactive workshop about Work/Office, Home/Energy, Holidays/Festivities/Presents for people who want to contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for the planet and a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families. You'll learn concrete new habits to reduce waste (reduce plastic/paper use, reduce electricity/energy, reduce transport/overall greenhouse gas emissions, how to organize holidays/celebrations/give presents without waste etc), and where to find the shops/sites in your region to do them. Come join like-minded individuals and learn all you'd like to know about Zero Waste. For members it's free, for non-members CHF 20 (Students CHF 10,) You can register by clicking on the link and filling out the form: https://zerowasteswitzerland.ch/event/geneva-zero-waste-workshop-work-office-home-energy-holidays-celebrations-presents-2/
Location Maison des Assocations, Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Geneva | |||||||