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The Tragedy of Macbeth, CPO Lausanne, 29-31 May 2015

A Lausanne-based theater troupe, Sweet Sorrow Theater, is offering knowitall.ch readers the chance to win 5 double tickets for the opening night performance of The Tragedy of Macbeth, on Friday 29 May 2015.

Performing in English at the Centre Pluriculturel et Social d’Ouchy, the troupe will enact a real adaptation of Shakespeare’s popular tragedy, a contemporary reading, which places Macbeth’s madness at its center.  

Founded in 2011 by Florence Rivero with a couple of students from the English department of UNIL (Université de Lausanne), the Sweet Sorrow Theater company specializes in performing the works of William Shakespeare, although Macbeth is the first tragedy that they have played.


Florence told knowitall.ch, “After « Much Ado about Nothing » (2012), « A Midsummer Night’s Dream » (2013) and « The Winter’s Tale » (2014), we have gradually traveled from comedy to tragedy (« The Winter’s Tale » is a tragicomedy and somehow helped us to make the transition). Therefore, this year’s play is addressed more at adults and adolescents rather than at children.”

Fellow actor, Raphael Meyer, added, “William Shakespeare remains at the heart of all the plays we perform in our theater group. Indeed the group’s name “Sweet Sorrow” originates from a line within “Romeo and Juliet”, although we haven’t yet performed this.”

Sweet Sorrow Theater will peform Macbeth approximately 10 times throughout the year, at various locations in the region. The pictures show their last performance of the play, presented earlier this year at the Fécule Festival, a local theater festival taking place over 2 weeks at La Grange de Dorigny for the students of UNIL and EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) in Lausanne.  


Since the troupe first got together a few years ago the group has expanded to included amateur dramatists from outside the student world. Not only does the group hold regular meetings to rehearse upcoming performances of Shakespeare’s plays, it has also started holding workshops for non-members too.  To find out more about the troupe and its activities, contact Florence Rivero at the address below.

competitionbutton1To give yourself a chance of winning one of the 5 sets of double tickets being offered to knowitall.ch readers for the opening night performance of “The Tragedy of Macbeth" on Friday, 29 May 2015, just fill in this form and let us know from which Shakespeare play the troupe’s name Sweet Sorrow Theater originates.  

Only one entry and one email address per person are allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Monday, 25 May 2015.  The names of all those submitting correct answers will be placed into the digital hat and the winners’ names drawn at random on Tuesday, 26 May 2015.  The winners will be notified by email and their names will be added to this article after the competition closes.

Those not lucky enough to win the competition can purchase tickets directly from the theater troupe on their website at www.sweetsorrowtheater.com.

The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Performed by Sweet Sorrow Theater
Centre pluriculturel et social d'Ouchy (CPO)
Ch. Beau-Rivage 2
1006 Lausanne ( VD )

29 May: 7pm
30 May: 7pm
31 May: 5pm

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Congratulations to the following winners, who have each won a double ticket to see Macbeth:

Phil Bull
Hannah Inkin
Lise McLeod
Chris Hemmens
Siobhan Mcloughlin