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cats eyes flyer

Enter our competition to win a double ticket for the opening night performance on 16 May, 2014!

Opening on London’s West End stage in 1981 with a plot based on T.S Eliot’s "Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats", the award-winning musical CATS, composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, has become one of the world’s best-known and best-loved musicals.  CATS is currently the second-longest running show in Broadway history, and the fourth-longest running West End musical.

Since it opened in 1981, the show has been translated into 20 languages and presented all over the world, keeping its original English title. To keep the show on the road in this region, the Geneva Amateur Operatic Society will present its own version this Spring, which will be performed at the Aula de Nyon-Marens between the 16th and 24th May, 2014.

As many of you will already know, CATS tells the story of a tribe of cats called the Jellicles and the night they make what is known as “the Jellicle choice”, deciding which cat will ascend to the “Heavyside Layer” before returning to a new life.  Eliot’s original verse forms the basis of the songs, which have been set to music by Andrew Lloyd Webber.  Listen out for what is surely one of the most famous songs in the show: "Memory", written by Trevor Nunn.

Under the expert directorship of Sharon Gill and Sue Lake, the GAOS cast of singing and dancing cats, along with their sixteen-piece orchestra, welcome you to a spectacular performance packed with wonderful feline fun! Come and watch mystical cats fly through the air with the greatest of ease, bounce on a tyre and even walk on a wire!

Tickets are priced at Fr. 36.- each, and can be purchased as follows:

  • Book from 22 April on www.theatreinenglish.ch, choose your own seats, pay by your preferred method of payment (credit card or bulletin de versement or e-banking) and print your own tickets.
  • Book at the post office using a red Bulletin de Versement, payable to Theatre in English, Vernier, CCP 12-20568-3. (IBAN CH79 0900 0000 1202 0568-3) In the motif de versement box, write the date and time of performance, number of tickets wanted, and your email or daytime phone number.
  • Call from 12 May : +41 22 341 51 92, weekdays between 11.00 and 12.30.
  • Buy your tickets at the theatre (CASH ONLY) on the night, from 60 minutes before the show (check by phone or ticket website if seats are available).

competitionbutton1GAOS has kindly donated a double ticket for the opening night performance of CATS on Friday, 16 May, 2014, at 20h00.  To give yourself a chance of winning this ticket, just fill in our competition form and let us know the names of the two people directing this show. Only one entry per person is allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Monday, 12 May, 2014.  The names of all those submitting correct answers will be placed into the digital hat and the winner’s name drawn at random on Tuesday, 13 May, 2014.  The winner will be notified by email and his/her name will be added to this article after the competition closes.

Geneva Amateur Operatic Society
Aula de Nyon-Marens
Route du Stand 5
1260 Nyon

Tickets, priced Fr. 36.-

Friday, 16 May 2014 at 20h00
Saturday, 17 May at 20h00
Sunday, 18 May at 17h00
Friday, 23 May at 20h00
Saturday, 24 May at 15h00 and 20h00

Congratulations to Akmaral Amirkhanova who has won the double ticket for this show!