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Tuesday 25 March 2025

GOMPR is on Tues, March 25 at 7pm at Flanagan's Pub in the Old Town, which offers both good food and beverages. Because we're expecting a larger group than usual, we'll be in the basement performance space rather than our cosy bar area.

This time we're having a special joint event with the Geneva Writer's Group, and in addition to poetry, Readers will be allowed to share 5 minutes of their own literary work such as prose, non-fiction, plays, etc.

Location details: https://flanagans-geneve.ch/contact/

How the GOMPR/GWG open mic will work for this event:
* Everyone is welcome to read. Any style of your own written work: poetry, prose, non-fiction, etc…

* English readings only this time.

* Five minute limit. Strict.

* Sign up on site at 7pm in the basement performance space.

* Please order at least one drink (if you can) to thank the establishment for the free use of its space.

Org links: http://www.gompr.net and https://www.genevawritersgroup.org/
And the event announcement on GWG: https://www.genevawritersgroup.org/event-6030949

Flanagan's Pub
Rue Marcelle de Kenzac 4
1204 Genève

Location Geneva
