Tuesday, 24 January 2023
Café de la Place
5, Place de Montbrillant
1205 Geneve
What does personal growth mean to you? Is it about emotional, intellectual or spiritual development or something else? It’s probably a different answer for everyone. Come and join a group of people who are curious about life and interested in exploring their journey through it. Our conversation prompts will help you to reflect on what is important to you and how you might continue to ‘grow’ in the year to come. The start of a new year is always a great time to evaluate, wipe the slate clean and re-launch ourselves!
At ConsciousCafe we enjoy meaningful conversation about life in a friendly way in small groups whilst having drinks and snacks. Conversation is respectful, animated, with plenty of shared wisdom and laughter. It is a great way to make new friends. We buy our own drinks at the bar and we ask for a 5chf contribution to volunteer-run consciouscafe.org To find Café de la Place walk through the rear of Gare Cornavin and turn left. The café is on your right on the corner of Rue des Grottes. Do come and join our growing conscious community!
We buy our own drinks at the bar and we ask for a 5chf contribution to volunteer-run consciouscafe.org. Conversation is usually in English. Si votre niveau d’anglais est assez bon pour participer aux conversations vous êtes bienvenue. Come and join our growing conscious community on the 24th from 18.15H for an 18.30H start.