THE CHÂTEAU OF COPPET. All Around Geneva – Local Walking Tours
16 April, Friday, 14h – 15h
27 April, Tuesday, 14h – 15h
29 April, Thursday: 14h – 15h
Join me for a visit to the Château de Coppet where I am an offcial guide. The château is still home to the descendants of Jacques Necker, finance minister to Louis XVI and of his daughter Mme de Staël, celebrated author, opponent to Napoleon and female visionary of the XVIII century. A dazzling display of fine furniture, of family collections and a deeper understanding of this Century of Enlightenment right here on our doorstep will not disappoint you.
Museum entrance in the second courtyard:
Château de Coppet, Rue de la Gare 2, 1296 Coppet
Car park available opposite the château, ticket: CHF 0.50 for 3 hours
Entry ticket to the château:
Adults CHF 12.- , AVS/Retired CHF 8.-
NB: The visit will be in English or in French depending on the majority language of the visitors present.
Portable: 079 759 8829
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Debra Kinson
Certified Cultural Tour guide
Member Geneva & Swiss Guiding Associations
In accordance with Cantonal COVID regulations:
1.5m distancing. Masks required
Visits are limited to a maximum of x 9 participants + guide.
Location Coppet
Image: Mme de Staël and her daughter Albertine. Marguerite Gérard circa 1805.