Ecole Club Migros has launched a new course in English about growing an organic garden.
There will be a free webinar on 25 January 2021 from 18h-19h.
The Classes will take place online or at the Ecole Club Migros in Nyon or in an outdoor location.
8 dates (from 19 February through 15 November 2021)
1 Monday and 2 Fridays 18h-20h30
and 5 Saturdays 10h-12h30
Fr. 648.- (one parent enrolled = 1 child free for practical days)
The theory will take place, on the 19.02.21, 11.10.21, 15.11.21 in the evening from 18h to 20h30
The rest will take place outside the Saturdays mornings.

Module 1
February Theory (Ecole-club Nyon)
Introduction to Nature Connection philosophy
Micro and macro nature immersions
Course calendar
Module 2
March Practical (on site)
Permaculture in practice - OBREDIM
How to assess your site
Starting your garden - lasagna method
Home visit (Rolle or a students garden)
Module 3
April Theory (Ecole-Club Migros Nyon/hands on)
Organic gardening 101
Sowing seeds indoor and outdoors
Planting early crops
Soil science and plant care
Introduction to Medicinal herbs & Edible flowers
Module 4 May
PRACTICAL (local visit)
Nature Immersion in local forest
Understanding season/cyclical nature
Ecopsychology/The work that reconnects
Tuning into nature
Emotional and psychological benefits of time spent in nature
Module 5
Practical Preparing your garden for the summer
Watering needs/pest protection
Holiday care tips
Planning for autumn crop
Reflection and self care
Module 6 September Practical
Site visit to student garden
Maintenance and Harvest
Problem solving - Q&A (pest/disease/engrais)
Seed saving
Class garden harvest feast :)
Module 7
October Theory (Ecole-Club Migros Nyon/hands on)
Fermentation & storing your harvest
Sprouting indoors
Reviewing your garden/ new plan for 2022
Preparing your garden for winter
Mulch and frost protection
Module 8 November Theory or/and Practical (weather dependant)
Permaculture philosophy
Silent Nature walk
Reflection on a year of nature connection
Sharing & Closing
Click here for more information