Events Calendar
Trained by Marie Kondo, decluterring experts Eliette and Marieke will share useful advice on how to start your "Home Detox" and create enough space for joy in your home, how to decide what to keep and what to let go and how to maintain order for a joyous home this summer. WEBINAR 25 June 2020, 10h-11h In the wake of the health crisis, many of us have had to reinvent a way to function as families and individuals, to find creative ways to spend time at home and to rethink the way we work. With the various official measures implemented starting to be lifted and the school holidays approaching, this virtual workshop will be an opportunity to get useful advice and learn a number of tips to help you create a stress-free and joyous home for this summer:
Speakers You might have read about them in the media or heard them during the TEDxLausanneWomen "Bold + Brilliant" in December last year: Eliette and Marieke, from Clarity Home Detox, are decluttering experts. Trained by Marie Kondo (The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up) in 2016, they have been decluttering Switzerland and above since then. They are highly experienced consultants in decluttering with more than 3000 hours of decluttering. Their mission? Redefine your relationship to objects, simplify your life and reclaim your time. In an inspiring and engaging workshop, Clarity will help you understand and apply the 4 principles of the KonMari decluttering and organization method. |