Please save the date for the Annual GIA Christmas Lunch on Saturday December 7th at Charly O'Neills Irish Bar.
Full details to follow later this week. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Best regards
Geneva Irish Association Committee
Cumann Gaelach na Ginéimhe
Twitter: follow us on @GVA_IRISH
would be grateful if you could please confirm your attendance by replying to this e-mail by Saturday November 30th.
This event always books out quickly so please book your place early in order to avoid disappointment.
Please find below further details.
Upon Arrival
Mulled wine
Home Made Vegetable Soup.
Main Dish
Traditional Roast Turkey
Baked Ham, Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts
Sage & Onion Stuffing & Gravy
(Obs.: If a vegetarian option is required please let us know when booking so that we can organize that with the venue)
Choice of two desserts
Tea or Coffee
Members: Adults: 45 CHF / Children: 15 CHF
Non-Members: Adults: 50 CHF / Children: 20 CHF
(Except for the mulled wine upon arrival, drinks are not included, but can be purchased at the bar)
Registration for this event will be prepaid only. The payment options are as follows:
1 - "Bulletin de Versement" to our Post Office account No. 12-10220-4
2 - E-Banking using IBAN CH24 0900 0000 1201 0220 4 BIC POFICHBEXXX The Geneva Irish Association
Please add your name and reason for payment as: Christmas Lunch
If you need a "Bulletin de Versement" (BVR), please let us know and we will send you one.
If you’re part of a group and would like to sit together, please arrive early to get seats together.
We will do our best to try and keep families together but cannot guarantee it.
