Festival Musics in exile
Beginning of the concerts : 8.30 pm and 4.30 pm for the young-audience-friendly show
Opening of the doors 1h30 before concerts.
Music in exile aims to celebrate the exiled populations’ countries of origin as well as the countries that receive them.
The programme approaches themes that are sometimes painful, but always underlines that music, poetry and dance harbour energy and optimism. From Syria to Venezuela, from Europe to South Africa, this festival paints a large geographic and cultural panorama, through concerts and encounters, just like the diversity of debates that open up migration.
WEDNESDAY 27 February, MEG, 18h30 / 20h30
Voies du Rébétiko, documentary, vo-st fr Diaspora of Rebetiko, Amerika
THURSDAY 28 February, Alhambra - 20h30
Double concert, Chemins d'Orient - Between Iraq and Syria, Songs of Jazîra - The free song of Iran, Manushan
FRIDAY 1st March, Alhambra, 20h30
Double concert, Multifaceted Venezuela - Quinteto Acústico Venezolano - Venezuelan Roots
SATURDAY 2nd March, Alhambra 16h30-17h30, Show open to the young audience, followed by a fruity apero.
Odyssee of a musician slave, The Emidy project 20h30 - Double show Tribute to Mandela - Mabeleng Moholo (multiple instruments) - Diwele Lubi (dance)
WEDNESDAY 6th March, Centre des arts, École internationale de Genève - 20h30
Ensemble Kaboul, Afghan inspiration
Full/Reduced/Carte 20 ans/20 francs
MEG : 20.- ; 15.- ; 12.-
Alhambra : 25.- ; 18.- ; 15.-
Centre des arts : 25.- ; 18.- ; 15.- (tarif spécial ONU 21.-)
Young Audience Fees
14.- adult
8.- child
5.- carte 20 ans/20 francs
Documentary : 5 CHF
60.- Full
45.- Reduced
Website http://www.adem.ch/en/musics-in-exile
Contact name for event Alexis Toubhantz
Contact email for event This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.