The Geneva Scottish Fairis a chance for you to buy home made delicacies or items from Scotland. In fact it is a cornucopia of delights:
- homemade jams, sponge cakes, biscuits...
- homemade individually crafted greeting cards and sweet smelling pot pourri gifts
- homemade authentic African food
- homemade haggis - a Scottish delicacy
- home cooked lunches
- Scottish artisan beers
- smoked salmon and champagne
- traditional Irish coffees
- traditional Scottish gifts and specialities
- Christmas gifts and decorations
- inexpensive books and children's toys
- and much much more
And of course you can see and listen to the Geneva Scottish Pipe Band.
In the evening, there is also the very popular Cèlidh - a Scottish (or Irish) gathering with traditional music and dancing.
The Geneva Scottish Fair will open on Saturday, 24 November 2018, at 9:00 at the Salle communale des Délices, Route de Colovrex 20, 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva
All are welcome.
Ceud mìle fàilte
(a hundred thousand welcomes)