How do universities differ in the way they help you learn? To answer this question, 8 universities with unique teaching styles will share their vision on education. This event is ideal for students, parents and teachers looking to understand the diverse choices available in higher education.
15.00-16.00 Eight 5-minute high impact presentations by each university on what makes them unique
16.15-17.45 Three 20-minute in-depth workshops with lecture simulations and explanations of teaching styles
18.00-19.00 Keynote speech by Mathieu Nebra on the future of education. Mathieu is CEO of openclassrooms.com, France's biggest online learning platform for ITC.
With presentations by:
- Ecole Polytechnique (France)
- Minerva at KGI (USA)
- ESCP (Europe)
- University of Bath (UK)
- New College of Humanities (UK)
- University of Freiburg (Germany)
- IE Business School (Spain)
- University for Peace (Worldwide)
Where: Ecolint LGB
When: Tuesday 6 November. 15h-19h
Registration free: www.scientia-education.com/events