Coding, robotics, games and design competitions for children A week of robotics, coding, games and design competitions for children aged 5-6, 7-9, 10-13. The events are organized in the form of a one-hour lesson, full of competitions for one hour* (for age group 5-6; * - 45 minutes). 1) Challenge 1-1: WeDo Robotics. Ages: 5-6. 2) Challenge 1-2: WeDo Move Without Wheels. Ages: 5-6. 3) Challenge 1-3: Run Marco - Coding Set. Ages: 5-6. 4) Challenge 2-1: LEGO Mindstorms Catapult. Ages: 7-9. 5) Challenge 2-2: Close the gap with LEGO Mindstorm. 6) Challenge 2-3: BBC Micro:bits - Reaction time. Ages: 7-9. 7) Challenge 2-4: Pixel Heroes. Ages: 7-9. 8) Challenge 2-5 : Scratch Games - Arkanoid. Ages: 7-9. 9) Challenge 3-1: Robotic football with mBot. Ages: 10-13. 10) Challenge 3-2: Coding Challenge - Python Turtle Graphics 11) Challenge 3-3: Polygonal portrait. Ages: 10-13. 12) Challenge 3-4: Construct2 - Create a platform set. Ages: 10-13. Every participant is gifted with STEP T-Shirt. Winners receive 3D-Printed figures.
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Location Rue Richard Wagner 1, 1202 Genève | |||||||