17h-midnight Maison Communale de Plainpalais Rue de Carouge 52 1205 Geneva !! FREE ENTRY!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- With more than 15 editions to its credit, the MSP continues to sharpen its desire to surprise you! The exhibitors renew themselves, the atmosphere remains faithful: SHOPPING-EATING-DRINKING-DANCING-FLIRTING!! concept Often copied but never matched, it became the essential event of night shopping. Think globally, shop locally!! The idea is to offer you an unprecedented shopping emporium, with more than 60 ultra-varied stalls. The originality of the concept lies in its festive and warm atmosphere. Good spends, food corner, bars and potential lightning strikes...!) This edition will take place on Thursday of Ascension, come to discover ultra friendly creators, be smittem by handmade or second hand items, upgrade your interior or simply spend an excellent time with your friends! Food www.marchesanspuces.ch |
Location Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva | |||||||