ConsciousCafe Geneva Café de la Place, 5 Place de Montbrillant, 1201 Geneva “What Is Reality and Our Power to Create It?” An evening with Motivational Speaker Alexander Senchenko.
An evening with Motivational Speaker Alexander Senchenko.
ConsciousCafe Geneva is excited to be welcoming Alexander Senchenko to join us on Thursday May 16th at 18.30H in the Café de la Place, 5 Place de Montbrillant, 1201 Geneva. Alexander is an interesting and passionate speaker and we are looking forward to hearing him speak on this fascinating topic : What Is Reality and Our Power to Create It? (More details below). At ConsciousCafe we enjoy conversation about life in a friendly way in small groups whilst having drinks and snacks. It’s a great way to meet new people and expand our horizons. Conversation is usually in English but if a group is Francophone then they chat in French - all are welcome. So do come along, alone or with friends, and join what should be a vibrant discussion. Here is some more information about Alexander and his work :- - "Like many of us, consultant and motivational speaker Alexander Senchenko has been asking the Big Question: ‘who am I?’ since he was young. For the last 25 years he has been extensively researching and seeking the truth about our inherent powers. On this journey he blends reason with intuition, science with ancient practices, in an effort to broaden his understanding of our world. - Wouldn't you agree that the vast majority of humans have utterly forgotten why they are on Earth? Many are seeking guidance from religious organisations, from self-help experts, gurus, a varied assortment of therapists or personal growth workshops and seminars as they desperately attempt to find a deeper meaning in their lives than just earning a living. - Alexander is driven by the conviction that each one of us has the potential for unlimited abilities. His work reflects his passion for exploring how people can use the latest scientific findings and selected ancient practices to expand those potentials. To be in a state of awareness, greater than the summary of limiting concepts of the mind, is what Alexander is striving towards. He is convinced that knowledge is power and therefore knowledge of self is self-empowerment. - Certified by Dr Joe Dispenza, Alexander has been giving talks, workshops and consultations to companies and individuals in the area of personal growth and self-development since 2008.” We hope to see you on the 16th May! |
Location Café de la Place, 5 Place de Montbrillant, 1201 Geneva | |||||||