Fear or excitement? The consequences of emerging technologies
October 4th, 2018 18.30-19.30 followed by an informal networking apéro
Nicoletta Iacobacci, PhD
Founder, Ethica.ly
Adjunct Professor, Media Communications Department, Webster University Geneva & Jinan University, China
This event is part of the Spotlight Seminar Series organised by the Media Communications Department and will be moderated by Sarah Grosso, Media Communications Department, Webster University Geneva.
This is a free event.
Advance registration is requested.
This presentation aims to create awareness about the positive and not-so-positive consequences of the new technologies that are increasingly influencing our lives.
Technology is progressing like never before; our civilisation will change so much that its rules and technologies will be incomprehensible to the previous generation. As science-fiction becomes science fact, this lecture looks at how these emerging technologies are impacting our lives. How can we befriend these new technologies, rather than running scared from their developments? How can we ensure a bright future in which our children will coexist peacefully and collaboratively with thinking machines?
The event will be followed by a question and answer session and a free networking cocktail.
Webster University Geneva, LLC Commons Room
Route de Collex 9 1293 Bellevue, Switzerland
Sarah Grosso
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