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To give you an idea of some of the spectacular places you can visit in this region, we will feature each month a photo of one of its many great locations.  Since we rely on recommendations, please send us your special photo taken, for example, on a memorable day out at a water park or from a remarkable viewpoint in the area.

Mont MourexMont Mussy/Mont Mourex, near Divonne-les-Bains

Whether you are looking for a romantic walk for two to watch the evening sun set over Geneva, or you require an outing where your kids can let off a bit of steam, then Mount Mourex has exactly what you’re looking for.

We set off on foot from the town hall in Divonne, up the path past the golf course and on towards the Source of Divonne, an impressive location where the river literally comes out of the rock before starting its journey through Divonne.

The path leads you to a point where you have to cross the main road leading out of Divonne towards Gex, but from then on you remain in the woods until you reach the summit.  There is a small, rustic auberge (La Ferme du Mont Mussy, telephone 00 33/4 50 20 24 52) half way up on the left hand side, which has wonderful views over Lake Geneva and offers delicious food, cooked without the aid of modern electrical appliances.  Once the sun sets, it’s candlelight only!

If you carry on up the path you will have the opportunity to try out the various stations that form part of the local Parcours sportif – this was a real hit with our children.

At the top, we were rewarded with the most spectacular vista over Lake Geneva, and beyond towards the Alps.  Behind us, the sun was also setting with a warm orange glow over the Jura.  Whilst we took a moment to soak up the atmosphere, the children went off collecting wood to make a barbecue so that we could cook sausages for tea!

They also occupied themselves searching for a “geocache”, which their research told them was located amongst the prickly gorse bushes on top of Mont Mourex.  Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played by thousands of kids throughout the world.  There are numerous geocaches in the Geneva/Vaud area.  For more information visit: http://www.geocaching.com/.  

A similar walk, starting at the Casino in Divonne, can be found at  http://www.unspecial.org/brochure/ju4_fr.html.

Source: Bruce Robertson