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The non-profit organization, Serve The City Geneva, is looking for volunteers to help them out at the next big community event in their calendar: the Samedi de Partage.

Taking place on 4 June 2016, the Partage event is normally held twice a year and enables Serve The City Geneva's partner organizations to offer a hot meal to over 900 people every day.

About 40 to 50 helpers will be needed at the June event to collect food and personal care products in 4 stores across Geneva.  Shifts are generally 3 or 4 hours long, and you can sign up for 1 or 2 shifts.

So who is Serve The City Geneva and why are they involved in this event?  Volunteer, Gary Vannatter, told knowitall.ch,

"STC Geneva is an organization that aims to mobilise volunteers by partnering with existing organisations that are already serving the poor and marginalised. By mobilising resources in the form of volunteers to organizations, we believe we can impact individual lives and the communities we serve. The organization partners with homeless shelters, refugee centres, orphanages, and other associations, and invites volunteers to show kindness through practical help and support."

He continued "STC Geneva encourages, equips and mobilises people to contribute their resources (time, skills and finances) so that charitable and humanitarian programmes flourish in Geneva.  It is run by people and organisations from various places, backgrounds, and ethnicities, joined together to serve the city of Geneva in tangible ways. Our vision is a city in which individuals and communities experience personal, social and economic well-being through the engagement of various volunteers who want to serve their neighbors."

If you would like to help at the Samedi de Partage, please sign up now by visiting the website www.servethecitygeneva.ch. If you have volunteered before, click Get Involved, and log in. If you have never volunteered before then click the New Volunteers page and register your details. Why not invite your friends to join you too!

If you're not free to help out at the event on 4 June, the organization also gets involved in a number of other events throughout the year.  The next big one on the calendar is Nelson Mandela's International Day of Service in the middle of July. Look out for details about this and other events where you can help out on their website or Facebook page. Please also share their posts so that others can get involved too!

Serve The City Geneva

Samedi de Partage
4 June 2016