By Diana Ritchie, Spouse Career Center and Swiss Career Connections
I was speaking with a friend the other day and she was explaining how she feels like she has been held back by the notion that she wants to and has wanted to move back “HOME” every since she arrived in the region some 11 years ago. She still waits for her visits home to cut her hair, to do her shopping, to stock up on her favorite food items, and does not partake in all that is offered here, as she waits to go “HOME”. She also spoke with envy how a mutual friend managed to get a job in a foreign country – here where she lives. Her feeling of frustration at not knowing how to move on with her life “HERE” is common and felt by many expats, newcomers, and even old-comers.
Do you share her feelings of straddling two countries, one foot here and the other foot on “HOME” turf? Do you feel like if only I was “HOME” I would know how to find a job, and could get on with my life, but here it feels like my life is on hold, or much worse, unpleasant?
As Managing Director of the Spouse Career Centre and Swiss Career Connections, a qualified Sophrologist, and an NLP practitioner, I have organized and will assist in the production of three workshops, designed to help participants make the most of their time abroad.
In collaboration with International Links and the Chambre of Commerce (CVCI) in Lausanne, we have brought together 3 acclaimed WIN (Women International Network) facilitators and book authors to create a results-oriented program that will enable you to experience and participate in the latest exercises and learn the latest tools that will help you well after the workshops are complete.
From my experience working with expats who move to Switzerland with a partner or spouse who has been relocated here, I see many powerful and confident, “in-control” women or men at “HOME”, who have simply lost themselves “in the move”. Returning to the center of who you are and rediscovering your dreams for life is crucial to becoming whole again while abroad.
During the workshops, participants will work on their own personal action plan. The program is interactive and participative so deep learning and insight is achieved. A follow up to the workshops will be organized for the end of the year. In addition we will remain available to you to ensure that your personal action plan is successfully carried out.
On September 15 the facilitator is Dorna Wilson, who has over 20 years of experience in energy healing work, Sophrology, NLP, Reiki, and hypnosis, and who loves working with people to enlarge their field of consciousness. Following on from this, there will be a second workshop on September 22 with Jeanne Heinzer, author of the book entitled “Living your best life abroad”. Jeanne will provide participants with the tools and experience required to complete the exercises outlined in her book. Participants will complete this workshop with an intention, which they will take into the third workshop with Nadene Canning, a qualified Frameworks Coaching Process facilitator. While following the process outlined in this revolutionary Coaching process, participants will learn to overcome any hurdles, which may prevent a successful outcome of their Action Plan, and will focus on what they have from within to achieve their goals. The clarity that participants will experience discovering themselves and their intention will have them leaving with a sense of AWE.
The techniques used within each morning workshop are handpicked, tried and tested to provide results. The feeling of empowerment with which participants will leave the workshops will ensure they are energized to be the best they can be.If you would like to join us, speak to someone, or receive more information about the workshops, please do not hesitate to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Visit our Events Calendar to view the special flyer on the workshops. If you mention seeing the flyer on the site you will receive a 10% discount!
This is the second article in Diana's blog which can be found in the Careers section of our site under Getting prepared / SCC Career Tips.