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By Dr Michelle Wright, HealthFirst

Every year on 10th October, the World Health Organisation observes World Mental Health Day. The aim of the day is to raise awareness globally about issues surrounding mental health, to get people talking, and to mobilise efforts to support mental health.

The latest World Health Organisation statistics reveal:

  • 1 billion people worldwide are living with a mental health disorder
  • 3 million people die every year from the harmful use of alcohol
  • 1 person dies every 40 seconds by suicide
  • And now, billions of people all over the world are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is having a further impact on people’s mental health

Never before have conversations about mental health and proactively looking after our mental health been so important. This year’s campaign for World Mental Health Day is calling for an increased investment in mental health – “Move for Mental Health: let’s invest!”

To acknowledge the gravity of the current situation and how it is impacting us all as individuals and as a global society, we are bringing the HealthFirst community together to mark World Mental Health Day 2020.

As a valued member of the HealthFirst community, we would like to extend this invitation to you personally to join our FREE live webinar event on 8th October 2020 at 18h.

Together with my colleague Dr Mecky McNeil, I will be chairing a 60 minute webinar inviting you to invest in your own mental health. The webinar will cover:

  • What it means to be mentally healthy
  • Mental ill health – more common than you may think
  • What influences your mental wellbeing?
  • Taking care of your own mental health using the HealthFirst Mental Health Toolkit
  • How to get involved on World Mental Health Day
  • How to take your mental health learning further

We would be delighted if you can come and celebrate our HealthFirst community with us so that we can support each other to ACT Now and Move for Mental Health together!

FREE live webinar event
8 October 2020

You can register for the event here. Registration is essential so that we can send you the Zoom meeting details.


Author's bio


Dr Michelle Wright is a British-trained General Practitioner and Director of HealthFirst, providing dynamic First Aid Training and Health Education in English throughout Switzerland (www.healthfirst.ch). She also has a regular radio show about health on World Radio Switzerland (www.worldradio.ch/healthmatters).