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By Tanya Jeannet, Rockmybaby

Many clients have questions regarding the differences between a Nanny, Aupair and Babysitter. We have outlined the main differences below, which may enable you to better understand your needs and requirements. To discuss your childcare needs, please don’t hesitate to contact Rockmybaby® on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A babysitter is someone who takes care of your child / children for a few hours on an ad hoc basis i.e. when you are going out for dinner or need to attend an appointment etc.

The main role of a babysitter is to care for your children in your absence, making them feel safe and secure and ensuring all their needs are met. In Switzerland, babysitters generally range from the age of 13 upwards, are paid hourly and hold a first aid certificate. All Rockmybaby® babysitter’s are aged from 18 years onwards.

Cost: Depending on age of babysitter anything from 10CHF/15CHF per hour for a teenage babysitter to 20CHF-30CHF per hour for a more experienced babysitter

Working hours: Flexible, ad hoc hours


An au pair is normally a young foreign person who comes to a host country for a cultural experience, to live with the family on a 1-year work permit. They are normally between the ages of 19 and 30. The childcare experience of the Aupair is generally limited.

Cost: The monthly cost of an Aupair to a family is between 1700CHF-2000CHF per month including the Aupair’s allowance of approximately 700-800CHF per month, language school, health and accident insurance, taxes, social contributions and pension (an extra person at the dinner table is also an additional cost).

Working hours: An Aupair works a maximum of 30 hours per week, distributed over 6 days per week, of which only 50% can be unsupervised without a parent.


Nannies usually have a childcare education, have experience caring for children and can provide childcare related references. They are employed by the family and their focus is on the care and development of the children. Nannies vary in age and experience and can either be live-in or live-out. A nanny takes care of all child-related duties.

Cost: The salary of a nanny varies between 3500CHF – 5000CHF gross on average for a full-time nanny depending on experience and qualifications. Nannies can be employed on either a full-time or part-time basis and as a live-in or live-out employee.

Working hours: A nanny can work up to a maximum of 50 hours per week, of which all can be independently i.e. no parental supervision restrictions apply.

Nanny / Housekeepers

Nanny / Housekeepers are often requested through our agency who focus on childcare and housekeeping duties (housekeeping that is carried out whilst the children are either at school or in care of a parent for example). This has become a popular choice for parents with older children where the children are at school in the morning and come home in the afternoons. Salaries and working hours similar to Nannies.

For your Nanny, Aupair, Nanny / Housekeeper or Babysitter needs, please contact Rockmybaby on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and www.rockmybaby.ch


Tanya-pic150Born in Cape Town, South Africa, Tanya is Swiss by Nationality and lives in Zurich with her husband, Russell, and her two little girls.

After having her second baby, and understanding only too well the challenges of working and having children (with no family support as they are all back in South Africa), Tanya is determined to provide a service, through her franchise business, Rockmybaby, that will help make life a little easier for families when it comes to childcare. She strives to help parents feel confident in the care of their children so that they can have some well-deserved time-out’s for themselves.

Over her career, Tanya has worked in corporate environments, providing recruitment services to clients across different industries.




