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By Jennie Delbridge, Peak of Wellbeing

Many people suffer from an underlying sense of worry, fear and anxiety. They wonder where it all comes from when they have seemingly comfortable lives. Frequently, it stems from a deep seated fear that we are not good enough. That we are not worthy of all the good things we have in our life. Sometimes this comes from childhood hurts or unresolved past issues.

This manifests itself into physical issues such as fatigue, back and neck pain, hormone imbalances, worrying about the small stuff, high blood pressure, moodiness and irritability. If this sounds like a radical concept, think back to a time when you were in a very stressful or unhappy situation.

Did you notice any physical symptoms at the time? Maybe your hand shook a little? Maybe you felt continually exhausted? Perhaps you had low back pain? Most physical issues have an emotional component at root.

That doesn’t mean that we forget all about the physical and work only with the emotions. It means that we must work with both the physical and the emotional. For many people it’s easier to start with the physical first.

Here are the top 5 tips to deal with an emotional issue from a physical perspective:

1. Balance your blood sugar. An imbalance in blood sugar, impedes your ability to think clearly. When we cannot think clearly, it’s much harder to make good choices. A simple rule, never eat a carbohydrate alone. Carbohydrates include bread, cereals, porridge/oatmeal, root veggies, salad and fruit. Oh and yes, wine and chocolate are carbohydrates!

Add Fats or Protein or both whenever possible. For example an apple with raw nuts, porridge/oatmeal with organic butter or coconut fat, salad with eggs, fish and olive oil, bread with a nut butter such as almond nut butter/paste and wine with nuts on the side!

I have seen clients view the situation they are in completely differently once blood sugar is balanced. Then they are able to make different choices to change the situation, should they wish to.

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2. Eat Right for You the Individual. Keep a food diary and discover which foods help you the individual to feel happy and balanced. Fatty fish and seafood is absolutely essential for me to feel well and happy, where as an organic rib eye steak may be just what another person needs to improve their mood.

3. Drink water. The body is made of 50%-65% water, depending on the individual. Many vital bodily functions are dependent on water. Dehydration reduces the ability to think clearly, make quick decisions and reduces vital energy needed in stressful times.

4. Chew your food. How many times have you eaten a meal, yet you can’t really remember eating it? It took me an extremely long time to master being present whilst eating. It’s often called ‘mindful eating.’ Chewing your food, breaks down essential nutrients, making them easier to assimilate and utilize in the body. Practice trying to be present at one meal per day.

5. Learn to say ‘No’. We are often faced with health choices and at times it can be difficult to say no. Whenever faced with a choice, ask yourself if this decision will take you closer or further away from your health related goal.

Focus on these 5 steps for the next month. Next time we will cover the top 5 steps from an emotional perspective.

Let me know how you get on.
In health and happiness, Jennie.

Images by: aprilbell, hworks

Author's bio 

jennie-delbridge-peak-of-wellbeing webJennie Delbridge is one of the co founders of Peak Of Wellbeing.

She has been working professionally in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years as a Personal Trainer and Class Instructor, before she discovered Functional Medicine and the CHEK Institute.

As a CHEK Practitioner and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, she is able to identify the underlying problems, rather than just treating the symptoms. The key is to look at the body as a whole, focusing on seven simple Foundation Factors:

1    Eating
2    Breathing
3    Sleeping
4    Corrective Exercise for the Individual
5    Hydration
6    Stress Reduction
7    Thinking Patterns

She is passionate about helping others to achieve peak health and wellbeing and fulfill their own personal and professional goals.

Jennie works on a one to one basis and runs workshops, talks and seminars throughout Europe, including the UK.