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jennie delreeveJennie Delreeve (formerly Delbridge) is one of the co-founders of Peak Of Wellbeing.

Due to her own childhood trauma and years of experiencing painful emotions and self destructive habits, Jennie is passionate about helping others overcome similar experiences. She works with a wide variety of individuals and groups from high-flying entrepreneurs to stay-at-home mums.

Jennie has created her own successful methodology during 12 years of clinical practice and has been greatly influenced by the works of John McMullin, Brene Brown, Esther Hicks and Penelope Young.






jennie delreeve worthiness blog

By Jennie Delreeve, Peak of Wellbeing

We recently delivered one of our retreats in the Jura, and one of the topics that captured the imagination of the participants was “Worthiness”.  So I decided that I would share my ideas on this throught-provoking topic here!

There's a general belief on the planet by extremely well-meaning parents that we should 'socialize' our children, help them to fit in, so others will like them. Unfortunately this idea in our opinion, can often create problems later in adulthood.

The idea that 'it's my job to please others so I'll be liked and accepted,' is flawed and can lead to a great deal of inner conflict and loss of self. The more we do to please others, molding our actions, beliefs and personality, the further away we get from who we really are. The result is that we end up feeling inauthentic, like a fraud, anxious a great deal of the time and never quite getting the approval we're seeking. It's an old cliche, but the only place we can ever truly achieve great self-esteem is within ourselves.

If someone criticizes us, it's never really about us, but their perception of us. We can't control or change others or make people like us, but we can like ourselves. The irony is that when we learn how to do this, others tend to like us too! When we're constantly on the search for approval from others as I was, we come across as needy and insecure and usually don't get the reaction we are seeking, no matter how good we are at masking ourselves as confident and independent.

Reach your peak

By Jennie Delreeve, Peak of Wellbeing

Are you somebody who wakes up determined to be in a good mood, but somehow by midday, you are back to feeling grumpy and irritated again?

Do you find that you are often worried and anxious by seemingly small things?

When you look around, does everyone else seem to be happier and doing better than you?

If the answer is yes to one or more of these questions, read on, this article is for you.

What is happiness?

Should we feel happy all of the time? How do we achieve happiness? We have all asked these three questions at some point in our lives and maybe many of us are still searching for the answer.

POWblog Oct2013

By Jennie Delbridge, Peak of Wellbeing

Figuring out which ratios of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate our body needs, can be quite a challenge.  There are no hard and fast rules. It would be great if there were a really simple cookie cutter approach, a quick fix solution, but unfortunately it doesn’t exist.

Our unique nutritional needs are based on many things:

  1. Gender
  2. Genes/DNA
  3. Lifestyle
  4. Stress Levels
  5. Level of daily activity
  6. The weather
  7. Where we live
  8. Pregnancy
  9. Menopause
  10. Age
  11. Health levels

POWblog body-shape-issues2

By Jennie Delbridge, Peak of Wellbeing

One of the biggest desires people have is to improve the look and function of their core muscles.

Many have tried diets, personal trainers, pilates, detox programmes and the list goes on………

So why haven’t they been getting the results they so desperately want?
Because nice looking abdominal muscles and a functional core are dependent on many factors:

unsmileyface pow

By Jennie Delbridge, Peak of Wellbeing

Many people suffer from an underlying sense of worry, fear and anxiety. They wonder where it all comes from when they have seemingly comfortable lives. Frequently, it stems from a deep seated fear that we are not good enough. That we are not worthy of all the good things we have in our life. Sometimes this comes from childhood hurts or unresolved past issues.

This manifests itself into physical issues such as fatigue, back and neck pain, hormone imbalances, worrying about the small stuff, high blood pressure, moodiness and irritability. If this sounds like a radical concept, think back to a time when you were in a very stressful or unhappy situation.

Did you notice any physical symptoms at the time? Maybe your hand shook a little? Maybe you felt continually exhausted? Perhaps you had low back pain? Most physical issues have an emotional component at root.