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duncan delreeveDuncan Delreeve (formerly Reeve) is one of the co-founders of Peak Of Wellbeing.

He has been in the fitness and wellbeing industry for over 19 years. He trained extensively with the CHEK institute and is qualified as a corrective exercise practitioner, nutrition & lifestyle coach and a golf biomechanic. He holds a diploma in fitness training, sports therapy and nutrition and is currently working on a diploma in Osteopathy with the worlds leading expert in fascia.

Duncan is acclaimed for his passion and enthusiasm in helping people overcome pain and improve their health.






Bodyshape-diet web

By Duncan Reeve, Peak of Wellbeing

Today a client asked me ‘What is the thyroid gland and what does it do?’

A great question! According to Dr. Cass Ingram, author of the Body Shape Diet, the thyroid is known as the ‘master of metabolism.’ One of it’s most important roles is controlling the metabolic rate. This gland also has a role to play in immune function and circulation. Hence why most people who have a thyroid condition suffer from freezing cold hands and feet.

The thyroid needs iodine to function optimally. Iodine can be found in fish and seafood. The idea is that water runs down the rocks, collecting iodine and depositing it into the sea. Hence why fish, seafood and kelp should contain good amounts of Iodine. In the Alps for example, water runs extremely fast down steep mountains and often there isn’t enough time for large quantities of iodine to be collected. People in these regions can often suffer from thyroid issues. On top of this, in certain parts of Europe and the Alps, sauerkraut is a local dish. Extremely nutritious if you don’t have thyroid issues. However, It is known that these kinds of vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli etc. can block thyroid function when eaten raw.


By Duncan Reeve, Peak of Wellbeing

Did you know that existing muscle imbalances could be hampering your swing, causing a potential injury and preventing you from improving?

The full swing requires nearly perfect joint mechanics for optimum performance & injury prevention.

Through years of training golfers and rehabilitating backs, shoulders, knees and hips, I have found that the majority of male golfers could greatly benefit from improved flexibility in the hips and low back. This lack of flexibility in the back could show up as excessive movement from the hips, with too much sideways movement in the backswing. In addition, the upper back and arms tend to be overused due to make up for this lack of movement in the lower back.