• International Institute in Geneva
  • https://voteabroad.org/ccCHtheKnow24
  • https://schoolsshow.co.uk/boarding-schools-show/geneva
  • Geneva English School
  • Maison Casagiu & Co

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HOME PAGE: www.knowitall.ch/junking

Click on any of the following videos about junking:
june2021fleatitle copy
Another Flea Market Day out 26 May 2021 copy
fleamarket14042021 2
Bern Basel title2a

Here are some photos of Lisa's finds over the recent years.

Most of the stuff is found in charity shops and flea markets.



Framing inexpensive handkercheifs from the 1950s and 60s really make a patchwork statement!



A set of vintage plate prints taken from an old catalog were found for Fr. 15.- at the flea market. They have since been framed and look great on the wall.


colanders flags

A fascination with old aluminum colanders and Swiss or Geneva flags have been collected for nearly 20 years.



Lisa fell in love with these 3 cups and saucers with Swiss scenes and edelweiss. Using them for candles or for a quick plant display really puts them in the limelight.




A full set of black and white fondue plates (showing the 6 steps to the perfect fondue and a platter for the viande sechée) make everything taste more special. Lisa's love of wirework objects started with the simplicity of everyday objects and makes such a graphic statement.



One of the best bargains Lisa has had in the last few years: this antique washbasin and jug were found under a table at the flea market. The dirt was so thick that she was afraid that the dealer was hiding the flaws. Even though she thought the price would be too dear, she asked anyway. Expecting the dealer to ask Fr. 200.-, she nearly fell over when he asked for Fr. 30.- for the two pieces. Taking a risk (as they were so dirty) she decided to go for it anyway. It could come in handy for something else if the condition was too poor for display. The beautiful set now has pride of place, and came out in perfect condition.


HOME PAGE: www.knowitall.ch/junking





© Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman 2014-2022

Designed by Cirieco Design

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Are you:
— a collector?
— looking for second-hand items?
— excited when you get a good deal?
— needing some new pieces of furniture?
— looking for something Swiss?
— interested in meeting new people?
Then why not sign-up to go “junking”? Junking is the term that Lisa affectionately calls her favorite pass-time/stress-reliever! Lisa will take you to her favorite places in the Geneva area and find treasures along the way. 



About Lisa:
Lisa moved to Geneva in 1972 and was “dragged” by her parents to flea markets and charity shops at a young age. At first she just concentrated on toys, comic books, and unusual items such as a 1932 Mickey Mouse clock but as she got older, realized the history and quality that items from a bygone era contain.

Lisa collects things that make her happy and she is especially proud when she gets a good bargain. Friends and clients that come to her home are are always amazed at the amount of things that she is able to find at bargain prices. Her collections are bought piece by piece but now are worth quite a lot, sometimes in value an sometimes for sentimental reasons. Old furniture is given a new lease on life by refinishing or painting. Complete sets of dishes are used for a special occasion, fondue plates with Swiss scenes or sayings always bemuse guests, tossed away baskets look fabulous with a fresh coat of paint to display magazines. Why not learn to enjoy junking?



(Also, check out Lisa's other passions: Follow Lisa YouTube Channel, Vintage Plate Jewelry, and Coffee and Creations.)

Choose between:

Mornings or Afternoons
Meet in Bellevue and leave your car (or arrange a pick-up point). Lisa will take you in her car to her favorite places and bring you back to your car. If you tell her you are looking for something specific then she can taylor the outing around this item. Outings usually last 3 hours. Price: Fr. 45.-/person*.

Saturday Flea Market in Geneva
Meet at the flea market in Plainpalais, Geneva. Weather-permitting. Learn how to look for items and bargain with the vendors. Outings usually lasts 3 hours. Price: Fr. 45.-/person*.

Lisa has junking circuits in Geneva, Lausanne, and Bern. The entire day is required to do this justice. Price: The cost of petrol and Fr. 75.-/person* for the outing.
* includes a bottle of water and a package of hand wipes!



Reservations obligatory. Bring cash for spending, comfortable shoes, and dress modestly (read paper below).

Please contact Lisa for more information and to book your spot.
079 246 80 06



Thanks to Lisa for a great day junking! I was so impressed by Lisa’s diverse knowledge and the way she was able to pick out things I never even noticed and then tell me an interesting history about the item. She is a talented curator and always looking for that little something to add to her collections. Whatever your taste, the joy of these junking days is that it is fun to see the pleasure a special find brings to each person – which makes you all end the day on a happy note – thoroughly recommended! — Debra, 2022
junkingGoing junking with Lisa… now let me tell you I am totally hooked! Hook, line and sinker! A typical junking day is from 9h30 till noon and you would think that is enough time, but it’s not. Her knowledge of antiques, shops and people will just astonish you; having Mrs ‘Know-it-all’ with you is worth every centime. It is stressfree because she does all the driving, parking and planning. Some shops only open in the afternoon or on certain days and we all know how parking can sometimes be tricky. Armed with years of knowledge and a great sense of humour you will never want to go junking without her.
If you are like me and want to steer away from Ikea and big shopping centres, do a bit of upcycling, or just be more creative — junking is for you. You will find treasures in every shop, get real bargains, and do your bit for the environment! If you are a virgin junker like myself, do yourself a favour: study her junking rules before you meet up. Helpful basics include: dress down, have cash, and when to negociate (see list above).
I cannot wait for our next junking experience! — MF, 2016
Hi Lisa, thank you so much for a lovely day and experience!! It was really great - you really are an amazing inspiration!!! — RR, 2016
I can’t tell you how I enjoyed today. I think I am addicted! — MB, 2016
Dearest Lisa, I had the most wonderful experience "junking" with you this afternoon. The perfect lamp was found at an unbelievable price. I think I will go back for the cake plate (it is the same size as the cooking form I bought today). I am still thinking about the dresser... so many things... what an experience! I had the most peaceful nap that I've had for a long time upon my return. Good healthy "junking" exhaustion! Thank you so much for spending the afternoon with me. — GM, 2017
Thank you again SO much for a wonderful day. Couldn't have been better.
The loot looks impressive all together and I will have great fun placing it all.
Today has been the best day of the year so far!
Hope you are not too tired and many thanks again. — JB, 2017
Thank you so much again for today. I would never have experienced the thrill without you and all the lovely loot will give me a pleasure which is hard to describe. Unique! — JW, 2017

ChantalMaxjunkingExcerpt from article on website Chantal & Max Experience Agency:We're fully convinced that Lisa is a "must-have" if you're new to flea markets, if you are looking for something specific and you want it with the best deal or if you just want a fun day out. Without her, it would be kind of like going to visit a vineyard without, well, the winemaker.
She will tell you what's a scam and what you can find cheaper elsewhere, she's the queen of negotiating prices, she'll give you all the many tricks of being putting on your A-game as a "junker" and she'll even teach you the special lingo: to bargain like a pro (and not make the same confused, tourist faces we did) you have to catch on right away to what a "thune" (CHF 5) is and that "5 sous" is not CHF 5 but actually 20 centimes. — Chantal & Max, 2017


© Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman 2014-2022