• Airbnb Geneva - Your home away from home
  • https://voteabroad.org/ccCHtheKnow24
  • International Institute in Geneva
  • Geneva English School
  • Maison Casagiu & Co


Thanks to Melitta Campbell for interviewing Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman on the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast.

Through a very relaxed discussion with podcast host and business coach, Melitta Campbell, Lisa covered so much, including:

  • How Know-it-all passport® started
  • Handling negativity and failure
  • Why your own path, is the right path
  • Why you don’t need to know how to make your vision happen, you just need to take that first step
  • and much more!

Melitta wrote, “I loved learning more about your business journey and I loved your attitude to failure. In fact, I felt that one of your messages was so important, I made it your headline: Don’t worry about failure; Focus on figuring it out.”

Click on this link to listen to the podcast: https://www.melittacampbell.com/lisa-cirieco


Mid Morning Mix Presenter Katt Cullen (left) and Know-it-all Passport's Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman (right) in the WRS studio for a live interview.

Interview and text by Katt Cullen

From the very beginning of the Know-it-all passport, Lisa Cirieco Ohlman has always poured her heart and soul and a tonne of local knowledge into the book. This year is no different...

The Know-it-all passport is a great guide to life in the Lac Leman area, including chapters on family, travel, food and leisure.

Whether you're looking for practical information on just about anything, understanding the parking tarifs (what are those jours ouvrables?) or the best local language school options, Lisa has been here to help with the Know-it-all passport since 1999.

This edition sees a new chapter exclusively developed to sustainability and includes zero-waste stores and freecycle schemes to get involved with, whether you're looking to have a clear-out and donate, or you're a thrifty bargain hunter. Also, by popular demand, the Business section has been expanded and now includes added information such as shared working spaces in the region.

The book retails at CHF 38. Find out where you can pick up your copy at knowitall.ch and understand more about the hard work that went into the cover alone here.



When it came to producing the new 11th edition of Know-it-all passport®, publisher and editor Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman was faced with a particularly difficult challenge! How to top the shiny silver cover design from the 10th edition? What has changed in 2 years? The theme of the new chapter, Sustainability, paired with the trend to come back to using our hands like our grandparents, directed the process.

As a creative graphic designer, Lisa works with Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and other programs in her professional work. However, she is also an avid collector of vintage local items, and really wanted to show the readers that the guide was bursting with local ideas and interest. How to do this in a single book cover? With her design experience, she could have easily taken photographs of each item and created a montage on her computer... but she felt strongly about going back to the objects themselves and portraying them together within the title letters of the book.

With so many items to include in the title, Lisa first needed to create a model book cover from a huge sheet of cardboard. She quadrupled the size of the book to make sure items would fit and be visible enough when reduced back down to the book’s A5 final size. Cutting out each letter of Know-it-all passport took 3 painstaking hours on Thursday 7 June. Another few hours were required to wrap the entire board and letters in brown kraft paper. The middle parts of the "a", "o", and "p" were suspended by fishing line so they didn't disturb the objects below!

KIAP11front cover

The 11th edition - 756 pages. Published August 2018.

A new chapter, SUSTAINABILITY, lists organizations that show us how to use existing resources, upcyclers, and zero waste alternatives. Includes more than 50 chapters, a full index, 2 bookmarks attached by ribbons, and maps of the area.




Please check this page on a regular basis so that your own copy of the 11th edition of Know-it-all passport®  is always up-to-date. The date at the end of each entry is the date that the correction was uploaded on the site. If you have anything to add or correct please fill out the form under What have we missed? from this website. Thanks for your continued support.

When updating Know-it-all passport®, the team called every address in the book. Sometimes after several unsuccessful tries to contact some listings, we have to make a decision to either delete the address, or leave them in. Please understand and let us know of any errors. Thanks a million!

KIAP11 5booksin3D

Send us your update!


17) Bricks4Kids
Page 358, 369, 386
The St-Sulpice location has closed but the Geneva one is still open. (21.06.2020)

16) Key Relocation
Page 11
Please change both numbers to these new ones: Sally Lismore 078 603 52 53 and Céline Schwartz 078 677 05 24 (27.01.2020)

15) Renovation and Maintenance Services
Page 28-29
Please remove. (03.10.2019)

14) Sure-Tek
Page 30
Please remove. (09.09.2019)

13) ABC poster (bilingual poster of the alphabet)
Page 673
Please remove. (25.08.2019)

12) Minigolf (transportable minigolf to rent for parties)
Page 399
Please remove. (25.08.2019)

11) GEMS World Academy Switzerland, Etoy
Pages 317, 359, 435, 457, 483, inside back cover
GEMS World Academy Switzerland officially closed its doors on 28 June 2019. (01.07.2019)

10) Fitting Wines
Page 179
Simon is leaving Switzerland and shutting down Fitting Wines as of 1 July 2019. (31.05.2019)

9) Brin de Terre
Pages 380, 493
Nicole has moved on to other projects and has closed down Brin de Terre. (03.03.2019)

8) Blackden Financial
Page 511
Please change address to: 36 blvd Hélvètique, 1207 Genève. (30.10.2018)

7) Esplanade du Lac
Page 225
There is a "w" missing from the website address. Please change to www.esplanadedulac.fr. (25.10.2018)

6) this update was removed (01.02.2019)

5) Cité du Temps
Page 340
La Cité du Temps in Geneva closed its doors on September 30, 2018. In spring of 2019, Swatch Group will inaugurate a new complex in Bienne. It will include an Omega museum and a Swatch museum, as well as a conference room that can accommodate nearly 500 people. The building was designed by Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, winner of the 2014 Pritzker Prize, the most prestigious architectural award in the world. (05.10.2018)

4) Top Tip
Page 26, 35
The name of the shop has now been changed to Livique (Living Unique): www.livique.ch (16.09.2018)

3) World Radio Switzerland (WRS)
Pages 686, 698
Please change description to: 24h commercial English language radio station. Tune in to the Breakfast Show LIVE every weekday morning from 6h30 for Swiss and international news, weather, traffic, music hits, and events. Tune in through the website, DAB+, or download the WRS app. (12.09.2018)

2) The Olympic Museum
Pages 121, 352
Please take note of this description:
At The Olympic Museum learning is about having fun and experimenting. You will not only find out how science and culture make up part of the Games, but how it intricately-tied to what is happening in the modern world.
At the museum, you will get in touch with the spirit that motivates the greatest Olympians. The life stories of towering figures from past Games personify the Olympic values and challenge us all to push beyond existing limits. You will discover that these Olympic superheroes are first and foremost superb human beings. 
The Olympic park is a hidden jewel between lake and city, dotted with sculptures inspired by sport. The museum is split over three floors, which revisit all aspect of Olympism.
Relive great Olympic moments, feel the pulse of the champions, discover the creative flair of the host cities, share the enthusiasm of all the volunteers behind the scenes. Finish your visit at the restaurant TOM with stunning views and a tour of the Museum Shop. (11.09.2018)

1) Geneva Cakes
pages 153, 183, 401
The shop has moved to: 34, rue de la Servette. The phone stays the same. (16.08.2018)










