• https://voteabroad.org/ccCHtheKnow24
  • Airbnb Geneva - Your home away from home
  • Maison Casagiu & Co
  • Geneva English School
  • International Institute in Geneva


Working with your hands is a way of reconnecting and developing. Get Creative offers a range of manual activities accessible to all levels of knowledge, skill and dexterity.

  • T-shirt Customization Workshop, to be held on Saturday, 29 June 2024 from 10h-12h
  • Notebook Covering and Book Folding Workshop, to be held on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 from 16h-18h

These workshops are offered by the event agency ohmytime, which also specializes in expat relocation, which is why these workshops are also aimed at expats. See bottom of article for more details.

Indeed, several expats regularly join their workshops, and take advantage of this opportunity to meet locals, as well as other expats living in the region.

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Chloe Minost, singer: photo credit Nicole Hertel

We recently heard about a non-audition pop choir. As someone who sings off tune, singing in a choir, where you can enjoy singing without judgement, like singing in church, sounds like a lot of fun. But for the rest of you out there who are musically-inclined, then this is for you too! Chloe Minost answered some questions for us and has even offered a free taster session to her upcoming Monday evening courses starting on 6 September through www.singgeneva.com.

Why did you start, Chloe? What has been the inspiration?
I love to sing. I've sung all my life, and been a professional singer for nearly 18 years. Having worked with a non-audition pop choir in London for a few years, I really saw the need for a musical activity for adults in Geneva where you can let off steam, have some fun and build a community.

Have you been working on this idea forever?
I started a small singing group for mums/carers of small babies after I had my second child at the end of 2019. I was dying to have a place to meet new people, and sing non baby songs (sorry Nellie the Elephant). I started SING and after the first session realised how much fun it was. Not just singing with others again, but writing the arrangements and recording the songs myself.