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STS rooftop

La société du Téléphérique du Salève (STS) wins the operating contract for 12 years from April 1, 2019. The site is scheduled to be completely renovated by 2022.

Le Groupement Local de Coopération Transfrontalière (GLCT Téléphérique du Salève) has renewed its confidence in STS, the company that operates the téléphérique since 2013. STS is a subsidiary of the RATP Group (51%), of the Geneva public transport TPG (47%), and COMAG (2%).

STS will participate in 28% of the total planned renovation and development work for the site which will start in 2020 (i.e. €2,630,000 funded by STS). This new contract will open up unprecedented horizons in the history of the cable car. This development is intended to be ambitious but reasonable in a Natura 2000 protected area. The basic values have been developed around 3 guiding themes: Nature, Culture, Leisure.

STS telepherique


  • In homage to the Grande Varappe, name of the natural wall of a rocky corridor of the Saleve, a climbing wall of 20m high and 13m wide will be installed and monitored by a supervisor.
  • A playground near the 1100m above sea level mark will be perfectly integrated into the landscape; a zip-line of 30m long will be installed as well.
  • The paragliding area will be renovated and become accessible to wheelchairs, which is not the case today.

STS art

A partnership with the Maison du Salève will propose cultural activities including:

  • An indoor museum area of 150m²
  • A fun and interactive outdoor botanical garden
  • An educational space dedicated to the young "La Salevie Académie"

The ROOF TOP 360° will offer a new and immersive experience (see photo at top of article). Equipped with a smartphone, visitors will extend the cultural experience through an audio, video, and augmented reality device. The device deployed in the form of a soap opera throughout the tour will culminate at the promenade: the new Belvedere on the top floor of the upper station.

STS will complete this feature with animations including an exhibition of Land Art works, guided tours organized by the Fondation Braillard Architectes around the historical and architectural heritage of the site, as well as a annual Climbing Festival.

A souvenir shop, as well as a reception and info area, will be integrated at the top station of the cable car.

Simplified schedules
From 2022, the cable car will offer two seasons as compared to the actual four, including more night openings until 23h as well as a more morning operations, starting at 9h, to encourage professional groups.

STS plans

Appropriate pricing
A membership card will be on offer to the inhabitants of the Grand Genève area, athletes, and regular visitors of the site, by guaranteeing a discount of 50% off the basic rate.

The family pass will promote this important target clientèle: a family of 3 people will benefit from a total rate of €24.

In order to promote access to the restaurant in the evening, a "Happy Hour" with a 50% off the basic ride fare will be offered from 19h30.

With these new service offers, STS intends to diversify its clientèle and increase attendance; 2018 saw 286,000 rides — target 321,000 rides for 2030.

Téléphérique du Salève
Gare inférieure
Route du Téléphérique
74100 Etrembières