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Chantal Neyer KPMGScientific surveys still show a significant gap in the salaries of men and women, with women earning around three quarters ot the salary of men. Various studies as well as a recent article in Tages-Anzeiger indicate that the way salary negations are approached by women may be one possible explanation for this unfortunate situation. KPMG, one of the world's leading providers of audit, tax and advisory services, is convinced that women should not be disadvantaged in salary negotiations simply because they aren’t aware of frequent stumbling blocks and the possibilities to avoid them.

To examine the subject further, OWIT Lake Geneva has organized a special presentation entitled Negotiating your Salary.  To be held on Thursday, 18 January, the event will be sponsored by KPMG and co-hosted at their offices in Lausanne.

During the evening, KPMG will focus on some of the obstacles women might need to overcome in order to be more successful in salary negotiations in the future. KPMG will provide some background information as well as hints and experiences from successful women in their company. In addition there will be time for attendees to exchange experiences with each other and to discuss the best strategy in negotiation situations.

The presentation will be led by Chantal Buechi Neher, Head of Human Resources for KPMG.  Ms. Neher started her career with KPMG in 1999 and has held different HR positions during the past 11 years from HR Manager for Audit Financial Services to Deputy Head HR Switzerland and HR COO.

Chantal is currently the Head of HR for KPMG AG (Zurich). She holds an Executive Master of Human Resources Management from Olten, Switzerland.

For further information, visit the website: www.owit-lakegeneva.org.

Venue: KPMG Offices, Avenue du Théâtre 1, 1002 Lausanne    (website: http://www.kpmg.ch)

Cost: CHF 20 for all participants (all proceeds go to OWIT Lake Geneva's Room to Read charity: www.roomtoread.org). Additional donations are kindly accepted.

OWIT Lake Geneva ((Organization of Women in International Trade - Lake Geneva) is a non-profit making organization whose goal is to promote the advancement of women in business and international affairs, providing opportunities for networking and professional development.