• Cirieco Design
  • Space of Mine
  • AIWC American Women’s Club of Geneva

Following on from the huge success of their “Just for Girls” hockey day in October, the Genève Futur Hockey Association has launched a new ice hockey training program, “just for girls” in and around Geneva.

Taking place at ice rinks in Carouge, Grand-Saconnex and Bellevue, the new sessions will be open to all girls – those wishing to try it for the first time as well as confirmed hockey players looking for an opportunity to “shoot some pucks”.   Under the watchful eye of trained coaches, the sessions will focus on developing skills, learning tactics and how to play the game.  Mostly, it will be an opportunity for girls to have fun in a positive, healthy and safe environment.

hockey2Jean-Philippe Paradis, Director Sportif for Geneve Futur Hockey, told knowitall.ch, “We want to build on the momentum generated at the World Girls Hockey day and offer girls a chance to learn and play this great sport.  Based on feedback from the participants and their parents, it is clear that girls hockey is only going to increase in popularity. Lots of girls want to play a team sport, and they want to be with other girls instead of always being integrated with the boys teams.”

Some girls, and in many cases their mothers, are hesitant to give hockey a try because of the image of the men’s game as being rough and aggressive.  But you only have to watch a girl’s game to see that it is quite different.  No “charges” are allowed, so the game is more about strategy, tactic, speed and agility.  Most importantly, the games are fun, and provide a great way for girls to get fit, learn about team work, sportsmanship and develop self-confidence.

hockey3All sessions are free – just turn up with a helmet, gloves, elbow pads and knee protection.  Skates can be rented at the venues and a limited number of sticks will be provided for those who don't have their own. Later in the season, Genève Futur Hockey hopes to host a tournament where the girls can demonstrate their newly acquired skills in a small, friendly competition, naturally “Just for Girls!”

To kick-start the program, there will be an opening session at the Vernets ice rink for girls on Saturday 26 November 2011 between 10h30 and 12h00.

Genève Futur Hockey
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You might not think polo is for everyone but if you like horse-riding and sports then read on. Polo is typically regarded as an exclusive sport practised on horseback and has a certain elitist reputation. Reputedly played by the rich and the royal, polo is a sport played on horseback in which teams hit a ball into the opposing team's goal using a long-handled mallet. Originating in Persia in the 5th century BC, polo became popular when the British enjoyed a similar game in India. In 1875 the sport was practised in Argentina with a formal polo match with the skills of the gauchos and their talents. In 1876 the sport was popularized in the USA.


Nowadays, the sport is open to anyone willing to give it a go. Practice makes perfect and once you are confident enough to be able to ride and maneuver the ball and mallet without crippling your opponent, then you will be allowed to play at the Geneva Polo Club in Veigy, France, just at the border near City Green Sports center.




A new company in Switzerland is offering a range of fitness and sports activities for men, women and children of all ages and ability.  

Whether you’re looking to improve your general well-being, lose weight, tone and tighten your body, increase your fitness levels, or simply introduce a fitness regime into your life, then Pure Gravity is sure to have a program to suit you.

To get you started this Summer, the company is organizing a series of 2 hour bootcamps, costing only Fr. 40.-!  Taking place on Sundays at the Parc de la Grange in Geneva, these bootcamps are specifically structured and tailored to deliver an express fitness program.  High cardio drills, body conditioning drills, and strength and resistance training, are combined with friendly team games to ensure the time will simply fly by.  With regular breaks to recharge your energy this is wonderful opportunity to get your body invigorated for the Summer.

momsworkoutA new club has formed in Nyon, offering women the opportunity to take part in sports activities that are suited to their lifestyle and fitness level.

Called SHEzone, the club opened in Spring with the launch of MOMMYzone, a fitness programme targeted at mothers. Although the first classes have already started, it is possible to join a course at any time.  A choice of two classes is being offered, involving moms, babies and their strollers, and these are being held in Nyon at either the Parc & Sentier du Boiron or the Parc du Bourg-de-Rive, or in Geneva at the Parc Mon Repos.

The Stroller-circuit  class is open to all fitness levels and combines cardio drills with strength-training exercises, to target all of the major muscle groups.  Abnominal excercises, mat Pilates and yoga techniques are also used to strengthen and tone your body.