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paultaylor F

5 double tickets to be won for his show on 3 November at Théátre de la Madeleine, Geneva!

If you fancy a fun night out with friends, then Paul Taylor’s stand up comedy evening “#Franglais” may be just what you need!

Presented 50% in French and 50% in English, this event is one of the last few comedy nights that Paul Taylor will be performing on his worldwide #Franglais tour.

So what’s the show all about?

How many kisses do you have to do when saying hello? Pourquoi y-a-t’il 15 jours dans 2 semaines? Why are French anglicisms not real English words?

Voici des vraies questions que Paul Taylor se pose tous les jours. Paul is a bilingual Brit confused about his identity. Il parle français comme un Froggy mais il pense comme un Rosbif. This is why, in 2015, he quit his job at Apple to take to the stage and find some answers.

Son spectacle “#Franglais” - stand-up comedy 50% in French et 50% en anglais-  est à découvrir de toute urgence qu'on soit francophone, anglophone ou tout simplement un peu des deux!

If you got all that, then head on down to the Théatre du Madeleine in Geneva on 3 November 2017! The performance begins at 8.30pm and tickets can be purchased from Starticket or Fnac.

Win tickets!

competitionbutton1The organizers of the Geneva event, AM Squad, have kindly donated 5 double tickets to offer in a special competition for our readers. To give yourself a chance of winning one of these double tickets, just fill in this form and let us know the name of Paul Taylor’s worldwide tour. Yes, it really is that easy!

Only one entry per person and per email is allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Wednesday, 1 November 2017. The names of all those submitting correct answers will be placed into the digital hat and the winners’ names drawn at random on Thursday, 2 November  2017. The first 5 names to be drawn will each receive a double ticket for the event. The winners will be notified by email and their names will be added to this article after the competition.

If you want to find out more about Paul Taylor, this interview on CAFEBABEL gives you a bit more idea about "where he's coming from" with his worldwide tour!

Théâtre de la Madeleine, Genève
3 November 2017 at 20h30 (doors open 19h45)
Billets: Starticket et Fnac

AM Squad

Congratulations to the following people, who have each won a double ticket to the show!

Howard Munt
Fiona Munro
Magnolia Uy
Barbara Ulbrich
Helen Bina






